In Bogota, the inclusion of the gender equality approach has been progressively developed through local legislative and administrative initiatives which have provided a common framework and a cross-cutting agenda for the development of positive actions in the city, including policy instruments specifically designed for the transportation sector.
Plan Sectorial de Transversalidad de Género en el Sector Movilidad (Sectoral Plan for Gender Mainstreaming in the Mobility Sector) is the document that provides guidelines for the inclusion of gender equality in the actions of the entities that make up the transportation sector in the city. The coordination and follow-up of this plan is also a means of communication between the Department of Mobility (Secretaría de Movilidad) and several other entities, including the District Department of Women of Bogota (Secretaría Distrital de la Mujer de Bogotá.) This plan defines 5 components framing the design and implementation of efforts in each entity:
Gender-equitable workplace
Equitable and safe mobility environments and territories for women
Transformation of discriminatory practices, imaginaries, representations and stereotypes against women in the mobility sector, all based on gender, ethnicity and race identity, age, physical, mental and sensory condition, gender identity and sexual identity
Elimination of violence against women, in the mobility sector, within the framework of SOFIA (Organic, Functional, Integral and Articulated System for the protection of Women who have been Victims of Violence)
Protection of rights and more dignifying living conditions for women in prostitution and living in the streets, and prevention of trafficking in women and girls, in the mobility sector
In this framework, the city has implemented a series of initiatives led by the entities in charge of mobility and gender equality policy alignment in the city: the District Department of Mobility (SDM), Transmilenio SA (TMSA), and the District Department of Women (SDMujer).
First, the District Department of Mobility introduces the promotion of the use of bicycles among women and the recruitment of women in the Traffic Police. Then, TMSA has implemented the inclusion of the gender and gender-responsive approach in the training program (training and retraining) of officials, operators and contractors of the TransMilenio System, as well as the implementation of communication campaigns with a gender approach. Finally, SDMujer has developed Safetipin, led the mainstreaming of a gender perspective into the construction of the First Subway Line in Bogota, bike tours, the exploratory study Sexual Harassment Against Women in Transmilenio, the Protocol of Response and Prevention of Violence against Women in the Transmilenio System and the Mujeres seguras en el espacio público (Safe Women in Public Spaces) campaign. It should be noted that, while every entity has led its own initiatives, they have been working collaboratively and in cross-cutting processes, together with other organizations.